Essential Knowledge. Hands-on Skills.
Discover insights from the Wheat Breeding Technology Workshop, held in Sydney, Australia, following the 2015 BGRI Technical Workshop. Our video series is designed to provide early- and mid-career wheat researchers with essential knowledge and hands-on skills needed for integrating crop modeling, high-throughput phenotyping, genomic selection, and speed breeding into practical breeding programs. Join us on this educational journey to encourage critical thinking and collaboration, empowering participants to craft improved wheat breeding strategies.
High-Throughput Phenotyping
Session 1.1
High-Throughput and Precision Phenotyping
- Instructor: Matthew Reynolds
- Themes:
- Traits
- Phenotyping tools
- Genetic resources
- Parental selection
- High-throughput screening
- Phenomics-based breeding
Genomic Selection
Session 2.1
Genomic Selection, 2.1
- Instructor: Scott Crossa
- Themes:
- Why GS?
- Breeding values
- Prediction and estimation of breeding values
- Ordinary least squares
- Ridge regression
- Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP)s
Session 2.2
Genomic Selection, 2.2
- Instructor: Scott Crossa
- Themes:
- Prediction and estimation of breeding values (continued)
- Genomic-BLUP (G-BLUP)
- Genotype x environment interaction (GxE) models
- Prediction accuracies in wheat and basic trends
Session 2.3
Genomic Selection (GS), 2.3
- Instructor: Mark Sorrells
- Themes:
- Lessons learned from experiences with GS in wheat
- Importance of the training population and model updating
- Choice of prediction model and marker platform
- How can GS fit into a wheat breeding program
- With bi-parental populations
- Acro- families
Crop Modeling
Session 3.1
Crop Modeling, Session 1
- Instructor: Graeme Hammer
- Themes:
- Linking phenotypes to genotypes
- Trait dissection to inform high-throughput phenotyping and direct GS
- Prediction of trait value in target population environment
Session 3.2
Crop Modeling, Session 2
- Instructor: Scott Chapman
- Themes:
- Flowering time genes – modelling flowering time across the wheatbelt using 1 experiment to calibrate new gentoypes
- Using QuGene for pyramiding genes in wheat
- Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)s and static sensor canopy temperature monitoring
Speed Breeding
Session 4.1
Speed Breeding, Session 1
- Instructor: Lee Hickey
- Themes:
- Advantages and disadvantages of speed breeding compared to conventional breeding, shuttle breeding, and double haploid systems
- How to do speed breeding and what you need
- Rapid inbred line development
- Incorporating selection for highly heritable traits
Session 4.2
Speed Breeding, Session 2
- Instructor: Cecile Richard
- Themes:
- Phenotyping vs phenotypic screening
- Integration of phenotyping
- Biotic traits
- Abiotic traits
Integrating Breeding Technologies
Session 5.1
Integrating Breeding Technologies
- Instructor: David Jordan
- Themes:
- Breeding program informatics for phenotypic data
- Development of genetic resources for germplasm enhancement and trait dissection
- Integrating crop modelling into breeding