Virulence surveys of the barley leaf rust pathogen (Puccinia hordei) in the United States and screening of breeding germplasm for resistance
GreenGate cloning technology introduces enormous advantages for studying pathogenicity factors of plant diseases
First report of the new yellow rust races and expansion of virulent races of stem rust in irrigated wheat production areas of Ethiopia (during 2020/21 and 2021/22 cropping seasons)
Sources of resistance to stem and yellow rust diseases in CIMMYT durum wheat lines, Ethiopian durum wheat landraces and commercial cultivars
Investigation of F-box protein-encoding genes in Puccinia triticina genome and their roles in pathogenicity during leaf-rust infection in wheat
Presence of Berberis species and their aecial infection in Çankırı province of Turkey
Deriving uredinial cultures of Puccinia graminis from aecial infections on the alternate host
Physiological specialization of Yr on wheat in Argentina, 2019-2022
Multi-Locus Sequence Anaylsis revealing Population and Genetic diversity of Fusarium graminearum species complex in India
Spatial Distribution and Intensity of Wheat Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici) in Western and South-western Ethiopia