Wild wheat relatives – a unique source of host rust resistance and the introduction of new ideotypes in current cultivated bread wheat
RNA-seq based transcriptomics analysis of roots and shoots of wheat cultivar in response to low nitrogen stress
Genome-wide identification, functional annotation and expression profiling of cyclophillin protein family responsive to leaf rust disease in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Screening of Indian wheat Germplasm for stripe rust resistance across varying altitudes of North western Himalayan region of India
Wheat germplasm characterization for identification of effectivesources of resistance to yellow rust under temperate conditions of Kashmir valley
Exploiting of molecular markers, molecular docking and nanocomposite in studying of the genetic diversity and controlling the leaf and stem rust in Egyptian wheat genotypes
Enhancement of the genetic diversity and durability to stripe rust resistance in wheat genotypes
Verification of pleiotropic disease resistance in spring wheat based on phenotypic and molecular markers
Evaluation of Ethiopian Durum Wheat Germplasm for Resistance to Three Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Races Under Single Race Nurseries at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia
Spot blotch incidence relying on biotrophic disease resistance genes in spring wheat