In 2021 and 2022, the presence of Berberis plants in the Çankırı province of Turkey and their aecia infection status were investigated. In 2021, 45 Berberis plants in Şabanözü, Orta, Atkaracalar, Kurşunlu and Korgun districts, and in 2022, 73 Berberis plants in Eldivan, Yapraklı, Ilgaz, Şabanözü districts and Çankırı central district were examined. Surveys were carried out between May and June. Morphological variation was observed among the Berberis plants. It appears that different species of Berberis exist in the Çankırı province of Turkey. The number of Berberis plants in 100 m² varied between 0-38. Aecia could not be detected in some Berberis plants. The percentage of aecia-infected leaves in Berberis plants in which aecia were detected ranged from 2 to 35. Aecial pustules were common in leaves but aecia were also observed on different plant organs.