Reducing the size of agriculture land and increasing global temperature are emerging as a very worst situation for scientist and farmer to feed the uncontrolled growing population in the world. The aim of current study to determine the open access PhotosynQ photosynthesis phenotyping platform ( that worked on the bases of MultispeQ V 2.0 device is useful for detecting genotype difference for heat stress tolerances in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines in order to meet the demand of growing population. The experimental design comprised of 20 advances breeding lines grown in Randomized Complete Block Design with two replications during Rabi 2018-19 at BISA. After aanalysis we found that non-Photochemical quenching (NPQs) are highly correlated with grain yield and plant biomass under heat stress condition. So based on NPQs; we can select the elite genotypes and in future, this technique can be applied on the large scale for high-throughput plant phenotyping. In addition of these; the selected lines can be used for further GWP (Global Wheat Breeding Program) for achieving the target of developing climate resilient wheat variety.