An experiment was conducted in Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, Ghazi University, D. G. Khan to evaluate the performance of different wheat varieties under well-watered and water stress condition. Data were recorded for various morpho-physiological traits at seedling stage like shoot length, root length, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, relative growth rate and relative water content and activity of an antioxidant enzyme catalase was studied in available wheat varieties to sort out drought tolerant genotypes. Analysis of variance for genetic analysis indicated that all varieties of wheat were different from each other. In some of wheat varieties, CAT activities showed an increased level of this enzyme under drought conditions than well-watered conditions which indicated tolerance to osmotic stress in plants as these antioxidant enzymes are produced when plants undergo the shortage of water. These results suggest that Punjab-11 (V10) and Faisalabad-08 (V9) performed best for catalase activity and Punjab-11/Millet-11 (V8) showed best result for genetic studies. These genotypes can be used for further breeding program for development of water stress wheat varieties.