The BGRI has established three major awards to recognize individuals and teams of people working in wheat: the Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career Award, the Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Mentor Award, and the BGRI Gene Stewardship Award.

Recognizing Brilliant Young Women of Wheat
Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career Award
This award, established in 2010, provides professional development opportunities for scientists working in wheat during the early stages of their career.
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Honoring Remarkable Mentors in Wheat
Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Mentor Award
This award, established in 2010 and first awarded in 2011, recognizes leaders who have proven to be excellent mentors of researchers working in triticum and its nearest relatives..
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Recognizing Global Research in the Fight Against Wheat Rust
The BGRI Gene Stewardship Award
The BGRI Gene Stewardship Award, or “Norman” as it is called, was established in 2012, and is presented annually to recognize a team of researchers serving a national breeding program or other nationally based institution. Nominees are judged on excellence and durability of the materials they have released. Any wheat research team working on wheat rust is eligible for the award. Since 2012, eight research teams have been awarded the Gene Stewardship Award.
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